Mark McGrath, one of the leaders of the Eastham Hiking Club, has started a Facebook page that will be devoted strictly to hiking related issues such as special hikes, photographs, talk schedules, Cape Cod history and a few other related items.
Mark recently hosted a photo exhibit at the Cape Cod National Seashore.
Mark, who will be presenting a hiking talk at the Osterville Village Library with his wife, Patti, this Sunday at 2:30 p.m., has posted this features on the page:
Click "About" and find a link to the document, “Mark’s 7 Favorite Hikes”;
Mark created an album of 25 pictures that support “Mark’s favorite Hikes” document. Click the album, click a picture once or twice and you will see the picture full screen, along with a description of it;
Mark plans to create an album of the clay cliffs of Truro. It will show pictures before and after the recent mud slide.